Studies on Morphological and Molecular Traits of Tuberose Diseases and its Chemical and Biological Control

S. Vimal

Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 641003, India.

M. Deivamani *

ICAR-KVK, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Dharmapuri, 636809, India.

A. Sudha

Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 641003, India.

M.A. Vennila

ICAR-KVK, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Dharmapuri, 636809, India.

K. Indhumathi

ICAR-KVK, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Dharmapuri, 636809, India.

P. Senthilkumar

Regional Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Krishnagiri, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Tuberose is a popular flower crops with a unique place in loose flower as well as cut flower category. It is a key component used in the creation of premium perfumes. Tuberose productivity is reducing due to lot of pest and disease attacks. Tuberose flower is affected by many fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. It affects the growth and lead to losses in the flower yield of the tuberose. Common diseases of tuberose are stem rot, blossom blight, peduncle blight, Alternaria leaf spot, flower blight, Sclerotium wilt, flower bud rot and anthracnose. Chemical compounds have been used to control plant diseases at large scale, they do not increase the yield of the crops and instead it protects the crops from the harmful foreign invasion. The development of safer and environmentally feasible plant disease control has become a top priority. In this regard, biological control becomes an urgently needs for modern agriculture. The bio-agents aid in both disease management and crop yield enhancement. Therefore, the use of bio-agents for management of tuberose diseases is the intense research area in recent years.

Keywords: Tuberose, diseases, morphology, molecular character, bio-control agents, chemical management

How to Cite

Vimal, S., M. Deivamani, A. Sudha, M.A. Vennila, K. Indhumathi, and P. Senthilkumar. 2024. “Studies on Morphological and Molecular Traits of Tuberose Diseases and Its Chemical and Biological Control”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 27 (9):155-70.


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