Bio-Efficacy of Seed Dressing Fungicide Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP against Important Fungal Diseases of Groundnut
Mahesh M.
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Sericulture, Chintamani 563 125, India.
Venkataravana P.
College of Sericulture, Chintamani 563 125, India.
Naveen Chandra Reddy *
Department of Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru – 65, India.
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Sericulture, Chintamani 563 125, India.
Priyanka Holkar
Department of Horticulture, GOK, SADH Office, Chintamani 563 125, India.
Narasareddy, G
Department of Agril. Entomology, College of Sericulture, Chintamani 563 125, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Groundnut is an important legume and oil seed crop and oil seed crop in world, which is prone to many soil borne diseases viz., Collar rot (Aspergillus niger), Dry root rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) and foliar disease like tikka leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola) causes major economic losses in yield. The field experiment was conducted on bio efficacy of carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP as a seed treatment against collar rot, dry root rot and tikka leaf spot in groundnut at college of Sericulture, Chintamani during Kharif 2019-20. The seed treatment of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 3.0 g/kg of seeds treated plot recorded 95.17% seed germination with minimum early leaf spot, (PDI 7.18) dry root rot incidence (2.20%) and collar rot incidence (1.98%) having highest pod yield of 27.23 q/ha and fodder yield of 41.72 q/ha with cost to benefit ratio of 1:4.05 which was on par with Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 2.5 g /kg of seeds treated plot with 94.17% seed germination with least severity of early leaf spot (PDI 8.22), dry root rot (2.42%) and collar rot (2.18%) incidence having pod yield of 26.90 q/ha and fodder yield of 41.13 q/ha with cost to benefit ratio of 1:4.01.
Keywords: Ground nut, collar rot, early leaf spot, dry root rot and fungicide