Effects of KNO3 Seed Priming and Fertilizer Management on Growth and Yield of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.) in a Temperate Agro-climate

Amjad Masood

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

Feroz Ahmad Parry

Division of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

Malik A. Aziz *

Division of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

Zaffar M. Dar

Division of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Horticulture (FOH) Shalimar, SKUAST-K, India.

Lal Singh

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

Prajjal Dey

Division of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

Tariq Ishaq

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

Ayat Hilal

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

Soumique Ahamed

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Green gram (Vigna radiate L) is one of the most important nutritive pulse crop. It is an excellent source of protein with high quality of lysine. Seed priming techniques are used to improve germination, to reduce the time between sowing and emergence and for uniform emergence in the main field, especially under adverse environment. Keeping in view the nutritive importance of green gram, an investigation was carried out to assess the effects of seed priming and nutrient management for higher yield in green gram at research farm of Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture Wadura SKUAST-K Sopore during kharief-2021&2022 and the experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with twelve treatments viz T0-Control,T1-Priming with 1% KNO3,T2-RFD,T3-RFD+ Priming with 1% KNO3,T4-1/2RFD,T5-1/2RFD+ Priming with 1% KNO3, T6-1/4RFD,T7-1/4RFD+ Priming with 1% KNO3,T8-1/2RFD+VAM,T9- 1/2RFD+VAM+ Priming with 1% KNO3,T10-1/4RFD+VAM and T11-1/4RFD+VAM+ Priming with 1% KNO3. Among the treatments studied in both years, highest number of pod cluster per plant (9.66 and 9.33), number of pods per cluster (18.33 and 19.00), number of seeds per pod (13.00 and 13.33), 1000 -seed weight (43.66& 44.50 g) and yield per hectare (12.83 &13.30 q) respectively were noticed with full recommended dose of fertilizer along with seed priming by 1% KNO3.

Keywords: Green gram, priming, potassium nitrate, growth, yield

How to Cite

Masood, Amjad, Feroz Ahmad Parry, Malik A. Aziz, Zaffar M. Dar, Lal Singh, Prajjal Dey, Tariq Ishaq, Ayat Hilal, and Soumique Ahamed. 2024. “Effects of KNO3 Seed Priming and Fertilizer Management on Growth and Yield of Green Gram (Vigna Radiata L.) in a Temperate Agro-Climate”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 27 (11):771-75. https://doi.org/10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i111660.