Arresting Rancidity in Pearl Millet Flour through Halogen Air Frier Treatment

Vinay G M *

Department of Food Processing Technology, College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, 388110, India.

S H Akbari

Department of Food Plant Operation, College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, 388110, India.

R B Modi

Department of Food Processing Technology, College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, 388110, India.

P Srilatha

Department of Food Processing Technology, College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, 388110, India.

Prakasha R

Department of Food Processing Technology, College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, 388110, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), a highly nutritious and climate-resilient cereal, is constrained in its utilization due to rapid rancidity and bitterness in its flour. These issues stem from lipid oxidation and the enzymatic activities of lipase and lipoxygenase, which significantly limit the shelf life and consumer acceptability of the flour.

Aim: This study examines the impact of halogen air frying treatment on the enzymatic activity and color characteristics of pearl millet flour.

Study Design: The study was carried out at College of Food Processing Technology and Bio Energy, Anand, in the year 2024.

Methodology: Pearl millet grains were subjected to halogen air fry treatment at temperatures ranging from 110°C to 150°C for durations of 1 to 4 minutes, with a bed thickness of 0.5 cm.

Findings: The results indicate a significant reduction in lipase activity in the treated samples compared to the control, with negligible levels observed at 150°C after 4 minutes. Additionally, lipoxygenase activity was found to be completely inactivated at temperatures of 140°C and 150°C for the same duration. Furthermore, the treated flour demonstrated increased redness and yellowness, highlighting alterations in color values attributable to the heat treatment. These findings suggest that halogen air frying serves as an effective pre-milling treatment for inactivating enzymes responsible for rancidity in pearl millet flour.

Conclusion: This intervention effectively tackles the issue of rancidity while simultaneously prolonging the shelf life of flour, thereby enhancing its overall quality and acceptability. The use of halogen air frying presents a promising and efficient strategy for improving the functional properties of pearl millet flour, facilitating its broader application in food-related industries.

Keywords: Pearl millet, lipase, lipoxygenase, rancidity, shelf life

How to Cite

G M, Vinay, S H Akbari, R B Modi, P Srilatha, and Prakasha R. 2025. “Arresting Rancidity in Pearl Millet Flour through Halogen Air Frier Treatment”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 28 (1):31-38.