Effect of different Transplanting Times on Growth and Yield of Lettuce Variety Great Lakes
N. K. Jadav *
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Waghai, The Dangs, Gujarat-394730, India.
Mangaldeep Sarkar
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Waghai, The Dangs, Gujarat-394730, India.
H. A. Prajapati
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Navsari Agricultural University, Waghai, The Dangs, Gujarat-394730, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Lettuce is the topmost leafy salad vegetable grown in the world. Performance of lettuce varieties varies erratically under different transplanting period. Transplanting time and climatic conditions affect the production and quality of the produce immensely. To study the effect of different transplanting time, an experiment was conducted at college farm of College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Waghai, Dang, Gujarat in the year 2023. Experiment was laid out in RBD design with four replications. The experiment was carried out in different transplanting time viz. 3rd week of September (T1), 1st week of October (T2), 3rd week of October (T3), 1st week of November (T4), 3rd week of November (T5) and 1st week of December (T6). Observations were recorded for traits such as plant height, plant spread, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves per plant, fresh weight of leaf, number of leaf cuttings, yield per plant and total yield per hectare. Results revealed that plant height at 30, 60 and 120 days after transplanting was significantly affected at different transplanting time. Plant spread (697.42 cm2), leaf length (21.75 cm), leaf width (20.75 cm), number of leaf cuttings, yield per plant (371 g) and total yield (14271.30 kg/ha) were significantly higher in 3rd week of October transplanting. Plant height at 90 Days After Transplanting, number of leaves per plant and fresh weight of leaf were found non-significant.
Keywords: Lettuce, transplanting times, yield, great lakes