Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn as Influenced by Nitrogen Levels and Crop Geometry

Deepak Singh Pachoriya

Agronomy, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Agriculture, SVVV, Indore, India.

A.A Kawade *

Shri Vaishnav Institute of Agriculture, SVVV, Indore, India.

V. V. Panchal

Shri Vaishnav Institute of Agriculture, SVVV, Indore, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


An experiment was conducted during rabi, 2023 at new experimental cum demonstration field, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Agriculture, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore. The field experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three replication. The main plot treatment comprised of three crop geometry viz., 60 cm x 20 cm (S1), 60 cm x 30 cm (S2), 60 cm x 40 cm (S3) whereas, sub plot treatments comprised of four nitrogen levels viz., 125: 60: 40 kg ha-1 (N1), 100: 60: 40 kg ha-1 (N2), 75: 60: 40 kg ha-1 (N3) and control (N4). The main objective of research was to study the effect of nitrogen levels and crop geometry on growth and yield of sweet corn. The crop geometry of 60 cm x 20 cm along with application of 125 per cent RDN has shown noticeably greater growth and yield parameters such as., plant height at harvest, days to 50% flowering, green cob yield, green fodder yield, biological yield and harvest index.

While, the crop geometry of 60 cm x 40 cm along with application of 125 per cent RDN has shown noticeably greater growth qualities such as., number of leaves at harvest, leaf area at harvest, dry matter at flowering and at harvest, yield attributing cob length with husk and without husk, cob diameter with husk and without husk, cob weight with husk and without husk, number of grains and grain weight cob‑1. Control treatment took maximum days to days to 50 per cent tasselling and 50 per cent silking.

Keywords: Sweet corn, plant spacing, crop geometry, nitrogen fertilizers

How to Cite

Pachoriya, Deepak Singh, A.A Kawade, and V. V. Panchal. 2025. “Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn As Influenced by Nitrogen Levels and Crop Geometry”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 28 (1):310-17.