Assessment of Sensory and Nutritional Attributes of Finger Millet-based Traditional Food Products of Assam, India
Mandeep Digra
All India Coordinated Research Project on Women in Agriculture, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013, Assam, India.
Moloya Gogoi *
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013, Assam, India.
Nabaneeta Gogoi
Department of Textiles and Apparel Designing, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013, Assam, India.
Ananya Jarh
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013, Assam, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Background: Millet based diets contain multiple health promoting components and considered as climate-resilient course grain cereals. The United Nations designated 2023 as the 'International Year of Millets' to spotlight the resilience and health benefits of these climate-adaptable crops. In line with this, the Shree Anna (Millet) Gram Yojana was initiated to promote millet production and consumption, aiming to combat malnutrition. An essential aspect of this initiative is the substitution of millet for rice in traditional recipes, a strategy for sustainable food and nutritional security. This study, conducted by the AICRP on Women in Agriculture at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, focused on utilizing Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) in Assam's traditional food products—Burbhuria pitha, Pat pitha, Tel pitha, and Mithoi.
Aim: Evaluating the quality of these millet-based food products in terms of organoleptic properties and nutritional composition.
Methodology: A nine-point hedonic scale was used to conduct sensory evaluations by ten trained and semi-trained panelists from the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, and nutritional composition was examined. ICAR WASP software was utilized to analyze the data using the Completely Randomized Design method.
Results: Results indicated that Finger Millet substituted for rice in traditional food products of Assam received higher acceptability scores and exhibited improved nutritional profiles compared to control products.
Conclusion: This study underscores the potential of value-added products with Finger Millet to enhance flavour, texture, taste, and nutritional value of traditional foods, offering benefits to the populace of Assam.
Keywords: Finger millet, nutritional composition, rice, traditional, Assam