Pollen Output and Influence of Weather Parameters on Secretion of Nectar in the Flowers of Wild and Cultivated Varieties of Jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels)

Eswarappa G *

Department of Apiculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru -560065, India.

R K Somashekar

Department of Environmental Sciences, Bengaluru University, Bengaluru- 560056, India.

Jagadish K S

Department of Apiculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru -560065, India.

Gagan B

Department of Apiculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru -560065, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Studies on flowering behaviour, pollen production, nectar secretion of wild and cultivated varieties of Jamun with special focus to influence of weather parameters on secretion of nectar revealed that the initiation of inflorescence from inter nodal region was observed during January, 2018. A total of 40 ± 0.82 to 46 ± 0.82 days were required from initiation of inflorescence to first flower opening. 50 and 100 per cent flowering was observed during 3rd and 4th weeks of March with a total of four weeks flowering duration. The pollen output per flower was highest in wild S. cumini and lowest in N-20. The mean quantity of nectar produced was highest in K-45 and TSS content was highest in GKVK-2. The quantity of nectar produced had a highly significant negative correlation, a highly significant positive correlation at one per cent level and a non-significant negative correlation with hourly temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, respectively. The per cent total soluble solids present in the nectar at hourly intervals showed a highly significant positive correlation and a highly significant negative correlation with hourly temperature and relative humidity at one per cent level, respectively.

Keywords: Flowering behaviour, pollen, nectar, weather parameters

How to Cite

G, Eswarappa, R K Somashekar, Jagadish K S, and Gagan B. 2025. “Pollen Output and Influence of Weather Parameters on Secretion of Nectar in the Flowers of Wild and Cultivated Varieties of Jamun (Syzygium Cumini L. Skeels)”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 28 (1):425-35. https://doi.org/10.9734/jabb/2025/v28i11896.