Grapevine Rootstock Affects Grape Phenology, Yield and Quality of Thompson Seedless Grapes Grown Under Pune Condition

Sivamari T

Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413722, (Maharashtra), India.

P B Kakade *

Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413722, (Maharashtra), India.

R G Somkuwar

ICAR- National Research Centre for Grapes, P. B. No.3, Manjari Farm Post, Solapur Road, Pune-412307, (Maharashtra), India.

Nilima Gobade

ICAR- National Research Centre for Grapes, P. B. No.3, Manjari Farm Post, Solapur Road, Pune-412307, (Maharashtra), India.

Prakash Patil

ICAR – All India Coordinated research Project on Fruits, IIHR, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560089, India.

S P Gaikwad

Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413722, (Maharashtra), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The performance of Thomson Seedless on Dogridge, 110R, 140RU and 1103P rootstocks along with own rooted vine for growth and yield parameters during 2023-24 was studied. The growth and yield parameters varied significantly among rootstocks. Thomson Seedless on Dogridge rootstock recorded highest pruning weight (1.25 kg/vine) and 34 canes per vine, while, it also exhibited maximum percentage of fruitful canes (96.50%), along with shoot length (129.30 cm) and leaf area (173.60 cm²). In terms of yield, Dogridge outperformed other rootstocks, with highest number of bunches per vine (35.00), average bunch weight (321.10 g), 50-berry weight (143.80 g) and total yield per vine (11.25 kg). However, for chlorophyll content, 110R rootstock excelled, with highest values of 32.20 mg/ml and 15.50 mg/ml at 45 and 90 days after fruit pruning respectively.

Keywords: Thompson seedless, rootstock, growth, yield, nutrients

How to Cite

T, Sivamari, P B Kakade, R G Somkuwar, Nilima Gobade, Prakash Patil, and S P Gaikwad. 2025. “Grapevine Rootstock Affects Grape Phenology, Yield and Quality of Thompson Seedless Grapes Grown Under Pune Condition”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 28 (1):588-95.