2024 - Volume 27 [Issue 8]

Short Research Article

In-vitro Antifungal Susceptibility of Malassezia Dermatitis in Dogs

Pratibha Sharma, Devendra Kumar Gupta, Amita Tiwari, Randhir Singh, Kshemankar Shrman, Shilpa Gajbhiye, Brejesh Singh, Shashi Pradhan, Rohini Gupta, Rakesh Saindla, Salil Kumar Pathak

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81117

Page: 17-25

Assessment of Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advancement in Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)

Abhishek Singh, C. N. Ram, Sonu Ram, Anurag Singh, Lokesh Yadav, Ramesh Rajbhar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81165

Page: 524-529

Reproduction and Follow-up of Embryonic Development of Achatina fulica

Ahmed Hussein Abd, Israa Naser Ghulam

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81187

Page: 703-707

High Efficiency in Planta Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Lilium cv. Pavia

M. Jayanthi, Kanchan BM Singh, MK Singh, Pranab Kumar Mandal

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81232

Page: 1104-1109

Assessment of Yield Losses due to Major Insect Pests of Groundnut in Karnataka, India

Kolli Bharghavi, Rohini Sugandi, Basavaraj. S. Yenagi, R. Channakeshava, Burjikindi Madhuri

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81240

Page: 1177-1181

First Record of Albino Common Kukri Snake (Oligodon arnensis) (Shaw, 1802) from Uttarakhand, India

Vipul Maurya, Pravesh Kumar, Ramesh Chand, Nitish Mani Tripathi

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81245

Page: 1212-1216

Studies on Self-incompatibility in Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Germplasm

M. Sandhyarani, R. Rajya Lakshmi, M. Madhavi, B. Kanaka Mahalakshmi, M. Paratpara Rao, V. Sekhar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81262

Page: 1398-1401

Short communication

Minireview Article

Unraveling the Potentials around the Digital Sequencing Data in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Sanjenbam Sher Singh, Sparsh Madaik, Hridesh Harsha Sarma, Atom Annupama Devi, Songthat William Haokip, R. Wongamthing, Noru Raja Sekhar Reddy, Juman Das

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81214

Page: 938-945

Original Research Article

Performance of Seaweed Extracts on Yield and Quality of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) with Organic Input Management

Mahendra Belagumpi, Gorle Roja Ramani, Konathachira Sreeja, D.K. Ghosh (LKN), N. Chattopadhyay, A. Bandyopadhyay

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81115

Page: 1-9

Influence of Silver Nanoparticles on Onion (Allium cepa L.) Seed Germination and Seedling Vigor

Prashant Patidar, Pushpendra Kumar, Shipra S. Parmar, Neha Khan

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81116

Page: 10-16

Prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis Infestation in Dog in Agartala, Tripura, India

Pratik Bhowmik, Subhra De, Sagarika Das, Sulanki Sarkar, Debjani Borah

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81169

Page: 559-564

Incidence of Major Insect Pest of Cluster Bean against Different Dates of Sowing

Yadav Nishikant Arun, Pradyumn Singh, Rajni S. Sasode, Jagendra Singh, A. S. Yadav

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81118

Page: 26-32

Influence of Farmyard Manure and Bio-Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Green Gram

Ishan Amitayush, Biswarup Mehera, Prateek Kumar, Shivam Pathak

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81121

Page: 62-68

Development of Ready to Cook (RTC) Pasta and Vermicelli from Kodo Millet (Paspalum scorbiculatum) Using Cold Extrusion Technology

Vishwaradhya M Biradar, Viresh Kumargouda, Suresha, K. B, Mohithkumar G.V, Shobha D

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81122

Page: 69-80

Physico-Chemical and Nutritional Evaluation of Flour Made from an Under-Utilized Food Crop Buckwheat

Shreeja. K, T. Sucharitha Devi, Moloya Gogoi, Perves Ahmed, Manisha Sharma

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81125

Page: 97-106

Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Cultivated Area, Production and Productivity of Millets in North East India and Future Projection Using ARIMA Approach

Mriganko Kakoti, Hridesh Harsha Sarma, Akash Paul, Priyanshu Pal Dutta, Angita Baruah, Dhiraj Saikia, Prince Saikia

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81126

Page: 107-123

Prevalence of Virulence Genes in Non-typhoidal Salmonella Isolates from Layers in Pantnagar, India

Aastha Nagpal, Maansi, A.K. Upadhyay, Himani Sharma

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81127

Page: 124-132

Development of Clustered Fruiting and High-yielding Variety in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) through Applied Plant Breeding

M. M. Pandya, R. R. Acharya, N. A. Patel, K. B. Kathiria, A. S. Bhanvadia, D. P. Gohil, J. N. Patel, V. I. Joshi

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81128

Page: 133-144

Antimutagenic Effects of Garlic and Turmeric Extracts on Chromosomal Aberrations in Allium Cepa Root Tip

Isha Makwana, Rutisha Asodariya, Kashish Pandya, Yatra Joshi, Dinesh Kumar Saroj

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81129

Page: 145-155

Screening of Castor Germplasm and Efficacy Studies of Bioagents and Fungicides Against Botryotinia ricini (Godfrey) Whetzel

C. P. Manjula, B. Prathibha, . Yamanura, . Divyashree, K. B. Palanna, G. Punith, Lakshmeesha R

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81131

Page: 168-184

Path Coefficient Analysis and Character Association of Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Rice Landraces

Ravi Gautam, Yogendra Singh, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Stuti Sharma, Shweta Tiwari, D. R. Pani

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81134

Page: 223-230

Evaluation of Sponge Gourd (Luffa cylindrica) Hybrids in Prayagraj Agro-Climatic Condition

Rupesh Kumar, Vijay Bahadur, Samir E. Topno, Saurabh, Abhishek Kumar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81135

Page: 231-238

Response of NPK and Neem Cake on Soil Properties, Growth and Yield of Cluster Bean

Anshu Singh, Narendra Swaroop, Tarence Thomas, Taniya Mistri, Ashima Thomas

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81137

Page: 250-259

Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Varieties by Using RAPD Markers

P. U. Katad, A. U. Jadhav, S. D. Surbhaiyya, K. A. Jagtap

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81138

Page: 260-267

Kernel Trait and Genetic Variability Analysis in BC2F1 Maize Lines Derived from Zea nicaraguensis Crosses

Senthilkumar V., Priya Garkoti, Varalakshmi S., Thotla Naresh, Narendra Kumar Singh

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81139

Page: 268-279

Structural and Functional Characterization of an Amino acid Transporter in Amaranthus hypochondriacus using Bioinformatics Tools

Rashmi Chauhan, Sharat Prabhakaran, Gohar Taj, S.K. Guru, Dinesh Pandey

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81140

Page: 280-288

Isolation Techniques, Conidiation and Pathogenicity Studies of Ustilaginoidea virens Isolates (Uv3, Uv4, and Uv15) Causing False Smut in Rice

Somshetty Ravali, S. Ameer Basha, T. Kiran Babu, Y. Chandra Mohan, SNCVL. Pushpavalli, B. Balaji Naik

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81141

Page: 289-299

Evaluation of Onion Varieties for their Susceptibility to Thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindman) in Madhya Pradesh, India

Sitaram Seervi, Pradyumn Singh, Rajni Singh Sasode, NS Bhadauria, Naveen, Sakshi Saxena, Shivani Suman

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81142

Page: 300-305

Analysis of the Consequences of a Mixture of Micronutrients on the Parameters Associated with Wheat Growth and Yield

Harmandeep Singh, Ravinder Kaur, Anjana Nautiyal, Aditi Verma, Swati Dudhpuri

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81145

Page: 324-334

Standardization of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels for Growth, Yield and Flower Quality of French Marigold (Tagetes patula L.)

Pratheeksha C.T., Balaji S. Kulkarni, Pavankumar P., Shirol A. M., Thammaih N., Satish D., Sandyarani Nishani

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81151

Page: 387-398

Phyto-extracts for Managing Alternaria Leaf Spot on Mung Bean

Anusha .C, Abhilasha A. Lal

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81152

Page: 399-408

Biochemical Defense Responses in Advanced Backcross-derived Rice Genotypes to Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) Infestation

R. Prathima Kumari, Ch. Anusha, R. Shravan Kumar, K. Rajendra Prasad, Y. Hari, M. A. Prajwal Gowda, D. Akhilandeshwari

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81156

Page: 442-452

Pathogenicity of Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.)

Abhijit Chetia, Aparajita Borah, Bornali Mahanta

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81157

Page: 453-461

Epidemiology of Canine Ehrlichiosis in Jabalpur Region of Madhya Pradesh, India

Rohini Gupta, Devendra Kumar Gupta, Brejesh Singh, Aditya Agrawal, Pratibha Sharma, Salil Kumar Pathak, Vikram Punia, Apra Shahi, Suman Kumar, Kshemankar Shrman, Amita Tiwari, Bhavana Gupta

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81159

Page: 471-479

Report on Crioceris sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Infestation and Damage to Medicinal Plant Asparagus racemosus (Liliopsida: Asparagaceae) in New Delhi, India

M. N. Rudra Gouda, Yogananda M, Ashwini L.M.B., Avneesh Banswal, Srijana Pradhan, Mudagadde G. Deeksha

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81161

Page: 491-497

Studies on Genetic Variability, Heritability, Genetic Advance and Correlation Analysis in Marigold (Tagetes spp.)

Sahana Ashok Savadi, Pavan Kumar P, A. M. Shirol, Sarvamangala S. Cholin, Mahesh Y S

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81162

Page: 498-504

Evaluation of Genotypes and Varieties against Foliar Blight Disease of Onion (Allium cepa L.)

Efath Shahnaz, V. K. Razdan, Z. A. Dar, A. A. Lone, M. Habib, Seerat Un Nisa, Saba Banday, Vaseem Yousuf, Amit Kumar, Shahida Iqbal

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81163

Page: 505-513

Impact of Inorganic Fertilizer and Organic Manure on Physico-chemical Properties of Soil in Pea (Pisum sativum. L) Cultivated Field

Kenrik Ete, Tarence Thomas, Narendra Swaroop, Kamlendra Kumar, Ashima Thomas

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81166

Page: 530-537

Formulation and Quality Assessment of Value-added Karonda (Carissa congesta Linn) Squash

Balaji Vikram, Priya Awashthi, Subhash Chandra Singh, Akhilesh Kumar Srivastava, Dharmendra Kumar Gautam

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81171

Page: 573-581

Response of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Varieties to Different Levels of Zinc

Mantri Rushika, Shaik Musthafa, Devi Singh

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81174

Page: 596-601

Estimation of Genetic Variability and Diversity of a Wild Legume Vigna stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntz to Unravel its Fodder Potential

S Sri Manasa, Gayathri G, Arya K, Usha C Thomas, Adheena Ram A

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81179

Page: 642-654

Impact of Different Food Sources on the Developmental Biology and Host Preferences of the Red Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

Sake Manideep, S.N. Salma Banu, Talapala Sai Kumar, S.V. Sangeetha, Tulasi B, S. Padmashree, K. Kruthi Reddy, K.S. Kedswin

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81180

Page: 655-660

Phytochemical Analysis of Agathis robusta Using Ethyl Acetate

Tanu Tyagi, Y. Vimala, Ishwar Singh, Anamish Tyagi, Archasvi Tyagi

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81181

Page: 661-667

Optimization of Ruscus hypophyllum L. Growth Using Manure and Nitrogen Applications in Subtropical Conditions of Punjab

Ranjit Singh, Parminder Singh, Dhawan Shweta Macchindra, Priyanka Kambhoj

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81182

Page: 668-675

Identification of Drought Tolerant Chickpea Genotypes under Simulated Drought

Soumya Patil, C.M., Nawalagatti, U.V., Mummigatti, K. Vivekanand

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81183

Page: 676-684

Effect of Different Levels of Macronutrients and Rhizobium on Soil Health and Yield Attributes of Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Jayanti Kharel, Narendra Swaroop, Tarence Thomas, Vinay, Ashima Thomas

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81184

Page: 685-689

Molecular Characterization and Pathogenicity of Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus (Orthotospovirus arachinecrosis) Inducing Necrosis in Black Gram

V. Divyamani, B.V.B Reddy, M. Pradeep Kumar, L. Prasanthi, N.C. Venkateswarlu

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81185

Page: 690-697

Effect of Nitrogen Management and Biofertilizer on Productivity and Profitability of Rapeseed

Jitendra Khaliya, Chandrakanta Jakhar, Bhagwan Suman, Brijesh Kumar Meena, Manoj Mawaliya, Indra Raj Yadav

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81186

Page: 698-702

Evaluation of Different Genotypes of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) for Different Traits

Sonu Ram, Aastik Jha, Anurag Singh, Abhishek Singh, Suraj Luthra

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81188

Page: 708-713

Evaluation of Pumpkin Cultivars against Cucumber Mosaic Virus Disease under Field Condition

S. Shobnur, R. Mishra, P. Rajkumari, S. Langthasa, M. K. Kalita

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81189

Page: 714-718

Effect of Nixtamalization on the Physical Functional and Nutritional Properties of Foxtail Millet Flour

V. Naga Mounika, B. Anila Kumari, Jessie Suneetha W., Neela Rani

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81190

Page: 719-729

Impact of Zinc and Silica Solubilizing Bacterial Consortia on Soil Nutrient Availability and Direct Sown Paddy

S. Vinod Babu, A. Vijaya Gopal, N. Trimurtulu, G. Kishore Babu, S. L. Bhattiprolu

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81193

Page: 748-757

Response of Time and Severity of Pruning on Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics of Ber cv. BAU Kul

Soustav Datta, Niladri Dutta, Susmita Dey, Chinmoy Mandal, Ritwika Sen, Sarthak Bhattacharya, Pallab Datta, T.P. Rathour, Deepa Lal, Lipsa Prit Bhusan

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81194

Page: 758-766

Comparison of Physico-Chemical and Sensory Attributes in Plant-Based Meat Analogue Patties and Chicken Patties

Aaliya Tahseen, Sathu. T, Muthukumar Muthupalani, Vasudevan. V. N, Irshad. A, Preethy John, K. Raji

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81195

Page: 767-776

Enhancing Cake Nutrition with Lepidiota mansueta Flour

Rahul Borah, Sudhansu Bhagawati, Kasturi Sarmah, Kritideepan Sarmah, Nang Sena Manpoong

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81196

Page: 777-782

Breeding for Pod Borer and Wilt Resistance in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Savita Kanthi, I.S. Katageri, Bidyut Kumar Sarmah, Mannur, D. M

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81198

Page: 802-812

Seasonal Abundance of Thrips in Rabi Onion under Southern Telangana Climatic Conditions

K. V. L. Supraja, K. Kavitha, D. Anitha Kumari, M. Venkateswara Reddy

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81199

Page: 813-819

Influence of Organic Amendments on Ginger (Zingiber officinale rosc.) Growth and Yield

Konathachira Sreeja, D.K. Ghosh (LKN), Mahendra Belagumpi, N. Chattopadhyay, A. Bandyopadhyay

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81201

Page: 826-835

Impact of Integrated Nutrient Management Practices on Chemical Properties of Soil under Finger Millet Cultivation in Assam, India

Anasuya Boruah, Mrinal Saikia, Hridesh Harsha Sarma, Kamal N, Mayank Kumar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81202

Page: 836-841

Seasonal Incidence of Major Insect Pests in Relation to Abiotic Factors in Mustard

Posham Srija, M. Shankar, S. Srinivas Reddy , V. Ram Reddy

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81205

Page: 851-856

Impact of Hydroponics Technique on Root Characteristics and Physiological Parameters in Chrysanthemum

Sofior Rahman, Hridesh Harsha Sarma, Ruby Sarmah, Sangita Das

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81210

Page: 897-905

Influence of Various Edible Oil Coatings on the Shelf Life of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.)

Anuradha Tigga, Vijay Bahadur, Annjoe V. Joseph, Samir E. Topno, Joy Dawson, W. Jeberson

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81212

Page: 920-929

Performance of New Bivoltine Silkworm Breeds and Hybrids for Economic Traits

Thrilekha D, Manjunatha Gowda, Chethan Kumar D.S, Chikkalingaiah, J. Seetharamulu, K. C. Narayanaswamy, S. Ramesh

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81216

Page: 955-963

Bacterial Quantification in Different Plating Methodologies

Kawana Nasser Machado, Marise Fonseca dos Santos, Robson Fernando Missio, Eliane Cristina Gruszka Vendruscolo

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81217

Page: 964-973

Enhancing Watermelon Yield and Economic Returns through Integrated Crop Management in Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India

M. Siva, M. Usha, N.V.V.S.Durga Prasad, L.Rajesh Chowdary, M. Jahnavi, T. V. Reddy

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81218

Page: 974-979

Screening of Maize Genotypes for their Resistance to Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) under Artificial Infestation

Shashikala. B, P. Lakshmi Soujanya, P. Rajanikanth, K. R. Yathish

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81221

Page: 1006-1014

Studies on Performance of Elite Dutch Rose Varieties under Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse for Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka, India

Tanuja, R. N, Sateesh R. Patil, Balaji S. Kulkarni, Raghavendra K. Mesta, Sanganabasava G. Gollagi, Kantesh Gandolkar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81222

Page: 1015-1024

Morphological Characterization and Diversity Analysis of Maize Inbred Lines (Zea mays L.)

Ajay Kumar, Ashish Narayan, Vinay Kumar Choudhary

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81224

Page: 1033-1042

A Comparative Study of Spacing and Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth, Yield and Economics of Okra

Pavan K. Patel, B. N. Satodiya, Pravina P. Solanki

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81225

Page: 1058-1065

Effect of Drying Methods and Temperature on Physical Properties of Spine Gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb.)

Varun Dulani, R.A. Kaushik, K.D. Ameta, R.B. Dubey, Devendra Jain, Mahim Jain, Rajat Singh

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81226

Page: 1066-1077

Morphological and Structural Characterization of Algae-Based Nanoformulation

Vasanth V, K. Senguttuvan, Navaneetha Krishnan S, Karthick Mani Bharathi B, Prety Rekha Nazary, Ashwin Niranjan M, Ishita Garai, Kama Ramya Harika, Ashick Rajah R, Nilav Ranjan Bora

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81228

Page: 1078-1083

Influence of Colored Shade Nets and Media Types on the Development of Rhoeo discolor (Boat Lily)

Udaya T. V., Sashikala Beura, Pratheeksha, C. T.

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81229

Page: 1084-1092

Characterization and Management of Post-harvest Fungal Diseases in Banana (Musa paradisiaca)

Shital Pawar, Gulab Rathod, Manjunatha Nanjunadappa

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81230

Page: 1093-1103

Determining the Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Yield of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Rajasthan, India

Roshan Kumar, Gautam Singh Dhaked, Chandrakanta Jakhar, Bhagwan Suman, Brijesh Kumar Meena, Indra Raj Yadav

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81233

Page: 1110-1117

Screening of Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Genotypes for their Susceptibility against Pod Borers

Shraddha Tare, Nanda Khandwe, Subhashree Patnaik, Ghanshyam Bamaniya

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81234

Page: 1118-1125

Physicochemical Characterization of Oil and Chitosan Extracted from Cross Breed and Bivoltine Hybrid Silkworm Pupae: A Comparative Analysis

Dukare Pradip Gulabrao, N. Amarnatha, K. C. Narayanaswamy, R. Narayana Reddy, K. S. Jagdish, Manjunath Gowda

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81235

Page: 1126-1136

Enzyme Response in Thermotolerant Silkworm Breeds under Beauveria bassiana Infection

Manjunatha S.R., K.C. Narayanaswamy, Manjunath Gowda, Benherlal P. S.

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81236

Page: 1137-1148

Immunogenic Proteins Characterization in the Larvae of Oestrus ovis by Western Blot Analysis

A. Vamshi Kiran, G.S. Sreenivasa Murthy, M. Udaya Kumar, P. Kalyani

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81237

Page: 1149-1154

Evaluation of Sheath Blight Resistance in Diverse Rice Varieties Under Artificial Inoculation and Field Conditions

Vinay Kumar Yadav, N.A. Khan, Bavita Yadav, Madhurjit Singh Rathore

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81238

Page: 1155-1163

A Study on Physico-Chemical and Nutritional Properties of Paras Variety Jamun (Syzygium cumini L.) Leaves

Rathod, J.P., Seth, N., P. R. Balas, Tagalpallewar, G.P., Gandhi, R., Sardar, N.R.

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81241

Page: 1182-1189

Growth of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) as Influenced by Genotypes and Sulphur Levels

Monika, A. K. Dhaka, Bhagat Singh, Kamal, Aarzoo, Kanika

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81242

Page: 1190-1196

Effect of Different Growth Regulators on the Rooting of Hardwood Cuttings of Bougainvillea glabra var. “Mohan”

Tirtharaj Roy, Tapas Mandal, Tapas Kumar Chowdhuri, Puja Maiti, Somava Mandal, Alauddin Rahaman, Mahasina Ahmed, Bapi Roy, C. Venkatesh, T.P. Rathour

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81243

Page: 1197-1202

Assessment of Molecular Diversity in Popular Pigeonpea Genotypes using Genic Microsatellite Markers

SNCVL Pushpavalli, T. Rajeshwar Reddy, B. Pranitha, C. Sudhakar, C. Sudharani, P. Satish

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81244

Page: 1203-1211

Variability, Correlation Patterns and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for Seed Yield and Contributing Traits in Castor (Ricinus communis L.)

Kadam Abhishek Deepak, T. Manjunatha, V. Hemalatha, D. Srinivasa Chary

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81246

Page: 1217-1227

Effect of Mutagens on Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Yield and Quality Traits in M1V1 and M1V2 Generations of Chrysanthemum Cultivars

Rohit Gangwar, Sunil Malik, Mukesh Kumar, Satendra Kumar, L.K. Gangwar, Bhim Singh

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81248

Page: 1245-1251

Characterization of Diverse Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Genotypes Using Long Noncoding RNA Based Microsatellite Markers

Aishwarya Hundekar, Sarvamangala S C, Manjunath H, Mahantesha B. N. Naika, Bapurayagouda P

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81255

Page: 1316-1324

Knowledge Based Millet Trainings for Sustainable Nutritional Security in the Tribal Communities of Andhra Pradesh

Sangappa, D. Rafi, G. Meghana, E. Charishma, K. Ramakiran, K. Chandhini

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81258

Page: 1347-1358

Impact of Leaf-age on Economic Traits of Mulberry Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.)

Vallapu, S.N, Nalwandikar, P.K., Bhamare, V.K., Darapureddy, N.S.S.S, S.K. Meena

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81259

Page: 1359-1372

Integrating Molecular Markers for Screening of Salinity Tolerance in Rice Genotypes

M. R. Prajapati, R. K. Patel, V. P. Patel, V. B. Patel, K. G. Modha, Madhu Bala, D. P. Patel, A. V. Patel, Harshita Patel, G. M. Patel, Naresh Chaudhry, Sunil Patel, V. B. Rana

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81260

Page: 1373-1389

Exploration of Bioflocculant-Producing Bacteria in Sokoto Metropolis Wastewater: Isolation, Characterization, and Environmental Implications

Aminu Lailaba Abubakar, Hussaini Abubakar Salihu, Aliyu Zakariya'u Maiyaki, Sirajo Bilal Musa

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81261

Page: 1390-1397

Physicochemical Properties of Chitosan Extracted from Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Exuviae

Dukare Pradip Gulabrao, N. Amarnatha, Harish Reddy, Thrilekha D., Kenchappa N. M., Naveen Chandra Reddy

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81263

Page: 1402-1410

Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Identification of Superior Donors for Higher Yield, Nutritional and Processing Traits in Tomato through Hierarchical Clustering Analysis

Jitendra Rajak, R. K. Sharma, Jyothsna J, Ajay Bhardwaj, Anand Kumar, Ankit Kumar Sinha, Kumari Sweta Rani, Sudhanshu Verma, Vinay Kumar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81264

Page: 1411-1419

The Role of Biofertilizers and Phosphorus on Growth and Yield of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Ashwani Yadav, Satyam Ranjan, Prateek Kumar, Biswarup Mehera

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81265

Page: 1420-1426

Role of Mating Receptivity Peptides in Helicoverpa armigera: Molecular and Evolutionary Perspectives

Rama Thyloor, Kiran Kumar Halagur Bhogegowda, Saraswathi Saraswathi, Doddamane Manjulakumari

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81266

Page: 1427-1447

Genetic Variability Studies for Growth, Yield and Quality Traits in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Germplasm under North Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka, India

Basavaraj, D., Palthe Vasudev Naik, Ningdalli Mallikarjun, Jayaprakash Narayan, R. P., Muniswamy, S.

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81289

Page: 1459-1465

Review Article

Precision Farming Solutions: Integrating Technology for Sustainable Pest Management

Godavari H, Vidya Madhuri E, Tulasi B, Preeti Sharma, Ranjitha S M, Samreen, Rupali J S, Marella Sai Manoj, Sake Manideep, Keerthika N, Amit Umesh Paschapur

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81119

Page: 33-54

Heat Stress in Maize: Understanding the Physiological and Biochemical Impacts

Doddaghatta H. Raviteja, Swamy N., Ranjeetha R., Anil Jadhav

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81123

Page: 81-90

Bioinformatics Analysis of 5HT2C Gene Cys23ser Polymorphism and Epigenetics Insights into the HTR2C Receptor Gene Regulation: Implications for Physiological Roles in the Brain

Kiran Kumar Halagur Bhogegowda, Sajeeda Niketh, Sowmyashree BS, Tenkanidiyooru Ramamoorthy Prashith Kekuda

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81132

Page: 185-210

Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM): Principles, Key Features and its Potential Role in Soil, Crop Ecosystem and Climate Resilience Farming

Hridesh Harsha Sarma, Santanu Kaushik Borah, Rajesh Chintey, Hrishikesh Nath, Nilabh Talukdar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81133

Page: 211-222

Unveiling the Potential of Nanoparticles in Barley Farming

Tejaswi Akula, Kishore S. M.

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81144

Page: 315-323

From Soil to Oil: The Crucial Roles of Potassium and Sulphur in Enhancing Oilseed Crop Quality

Kuntal Karmakar, Sushant Sukumar Patil, Bidisha Kundu

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81146

Page: 335-346

Revolutionizing Rice: The Synthesis of Nature's Evolution and Biotechnology in C4 Rice

Shalini V Nadipalli, Sanjay V Bennur, Mukh Ram

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81150

Page: 377-386

Drought Resistance in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L)

Kasula Vamshi Krishna, Neroju Manasa, Neroju Vamshi Krishna

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81153

Page: 409-415

Integrative Approaches in Sericulture from Traditional Practices to Modern Technologies Sericulture and Its Contribution to Biodiversity Conservation

Kapil Attri, Sreejith Vakayil, Shruthi G H, Shradha Parmar, Kama Ramya Harika, Katta Subramanya Sai Teja, Chandan Kumar Panigrahi, Jeevitha P, Kishan Kumar R

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81160

Page: 480-490

The Role of Genome Editing Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture

Prajyot Waghmode, Chetariya Chana Pitha, Vaishnavi Banka

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81168

Page: 543-558

Innovative Approaches in Crop Genetic Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture: A Review

Michelle C. Lallawmkimi, Ashoka. P, D J M S N K Sri Veda, Akash Yadav, Dhivya. B, Manoj Kumar, Ankita Rout

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81177

Page: 615-631

Advancing Agriculture through Artificial Intelligence, Plant Disease Detection Methods, Applications, and Limitations

Hari Baksh, Kavya Thottempudi, Manjit M Khatal, Sujatha G S, Nikita Das, Mohd Aftab Alam, Rajshree Karanwal, Priya P

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81191

Page: 730-739

Beyond Bugs: Exploring Various Role of Insects

Krishna Kumar S, Sreejith Vakayil, S Gopi, Patel Hardikkumar Arvindbhai, Arpitha K C, Devansh Gupta, Surya Kant Ranjan, Himanshu Sekhar Behera

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81197

Page: 783-801

Mechanization in Sericulture: An Overview

Merrylina Marak, Th. Aruna Singha, Dipankar Saikia

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81200

Page: 820-825

Exploring Fusarium wilt in Castor Plant: A Comprehensive Overview

L. S. Chaudhary, M. A. Chaudhari, H. K. Chaudhary, S. S. Kansara

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81207

Page: 857-866

Data-driven Agriculture: Software Innovations for Enhanced Soil Health, Crop Nutrients, Disease Detection, Weather Forecasting and Fertilizer Optimization in Agriculture

Hridesh Harsha Sarma, Bikash Chandra Das, Tridisha Deka, Sofior Rahman, Marjana Medhi, Mriganko Kakoti

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81209

Page: 878-896

Cultivating Tomorrow: A Review on Biostimulants and Their Transformative Role in Agriculture

Senthilkumar S, Senthil Kuppusamy, Baskar M, Vijayalatha KR, Jayavalli R, Nithila S, Sujatha K, Santwana Palai

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81211

Page: 906-919

Enhancing the Genetic Understanding of Rice for Strategic Breeding of High Yielding and Superior Quality Varieties

B. Nagendra Naidu, L. Madhavilatha, Shubhangi Kshirsagar Maraskole, Narinder Panotra, Oinam Bobochand Singh, Anil Kumar, Okram Ricky Devi, Bibek Laishram, S. Anbarasan

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81249

Page: 1252-1261

Participatory Plant Breeding: A Pathway to Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture

Raja Sekhar Reddy Noru, Beena Thomas, Shubhangi Kshirsagar Maraskole, Vinutha Patil S, Narinder Panotra, Janapareddy Rajesh, Aroulradj Karthickraja, Vivek Kumar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81253

Page: 1293-1306

A Comprehensive Review on Biofortification in Vegetable Crops

Baddigam Kasi Reddy, Dumpapenchala Vijayreddy, K Bharath Chandra, Shridhar Ramesh Emmi, Suneel Subray Hegde, Barnali Majumder, Dara Prasanth Kumar

DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i81267

Page: 1448-1458

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