Evaluation of Fungicides, Organic Amendments and Botanicals against Powdery Mildew of Black Gram in Field Condition

Sakshi Meena

Department Plant Pathology, RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur, Raj. -313001, India.

Mahendra Kumar Meena *

Department Plant Pathology, RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur, Raj. -313001, India.

R. N. Bunkar

Department Plant Pathology, RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur, Raj. -313001, India.

Deepak Kumar Saini

Department Plant Pathology, RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur, Raj. -313001, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study presents an attempt to explain the potential control of powdery mildew disease of black gram caused by obligate fungus Erysiphe polygoni. It causes both quantitative and qualitative losses of grains. The fungicides, botanicals and organic amendments which found best effective were further tested as foliar spray alone as well as in integration of each other for powdery mildew disease suppression. The susceptible black gram variety ‘PU 31’ was used for this experiment. Lowest powdery mildew severity percent disease index (PDI) after third spray (10.67%) with maximum per cent efficiency of disease control (PEDC) (85.19%) of powdery mildew disease and 9.3 q/ha black gram yield was recorded by foliar spray of Propiconazole (13.9%) 15% W/V + Difenconazole (13.9%) 15% W/V 0.1%+ Neem leaf extract 5% + Panchgavya 10% as compared to control with highest (72%) powdery mildew disease severity with lowest 4.12 q/ha yield.

Keywords: Powdery mildew, black gram, erysiphe polygoni, field condition, botanicals, fungicides, organic amendments

How to Cite

Meena, Sakshi, Mahendra Kumar Meena, R. N. Bunkar, and Deepak Kumar Saini. 2025. “Evaluation of Fungicides, Organic Amendments and Botanicals Against Powdery Mildew of Black Gram in Field Condition”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 28 (1):826-34. https://doi.org/10.9734/jabb/2025/v28i11937.