Enhancing Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Performance with Optimized Nitrogen and Sulphur Levels

Qurat-ul-ain-Aga *

Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.

Lal Singh

Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.

Raihana Habib Kanth

Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.

Farooq Ahmad Aga

Information and Publications Directorate of Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.

Aamir Hassan Mir

RCRQA, Shalimar, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.

Faheem Jeelani Wani

Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.

Mohd Iqbal Makdoomi

Division of Vegetable Sciences, SKUAST- Kashmir, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


An experiment was conducted to study the impact of nitrogen and sulphur levels on the performance of mungbean. The experiment consisted of two factors viz. nitrogen levels and sulphur levels. The nitrogen application included four levels viz., N1: RDN @ 30 kg N ha-1; N2: Foliar application of Nano-urea @ 2 ml/L of water at 20-25 DAS; N3: Foliar application of Nano-urea @ 2 ml/L of water at 40-45 DAS and N4: Foliar application Nano-Urea @ 2 ml/L of water at 60-65 DAS whereas Sulphur application included three levels viz., S0: 0 kg ha-1; S1:15 kg ha-1 and S2: 30 kg ha-1 which was applied through Gypsum. The results showed that application of N3 resulted in higher performance of Mungbean in terms of growth parameters viz., plant height, DMA and LAI, yield attributes and yield. This indicates the importance of applying nano urea at the optimal growth stage to meet the crop's nutrient demands during critical periods of development. Likewise, increasing sulphur levels from S0 to S2 showed a positive effect on crop performance, with the highest results observed at 30 kg sulphur ha-1 S2.

Keywords: Nano-urea, DMA, LAI, nitrogen, sulphur

How to Cite

Qurat-ul-ain-Aga, Lal Singh, Raihana Habib Kanth, Farooq Ahmad Aga, Aamir Hassan Mir, Faheem Jeelani Wani, and Mohd Iqbal Makdoomi. 2025. “Enhancing Mungbean (Vigna Radiata L.) Performance With Optimized Nitrogen and Sulphur Levels”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 28 (1):868-79. https://doi.org/10.9734/jabb/2025/v28i11941.