Development of Clustered Fruiting and High-yielding Variety in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) through Applied Plant Breeding

M. M. Pandya *

Main Vegetable Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

R. R. Acharya

Main Vegetable Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

N. A. Patel

Main Vegetable Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

K. B. Kathiria

University Bhavan, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

A. S. Bhanvadia

Regional Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

D. P. Gohil

Main Forage Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

J. N. Patel

Bidi Tobacco Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

V. I. Joshi

Bidi Tobacco Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388 110, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In brinjal, consumer preference hinges on multifaceted criteria encompassing nutritional content and culinary attributes, while farmers prioritize factors such as yield potential. In response to this dual demand spectrum, the cultivar "Anand Doli" was meticulously developed, and tailored to excel in the unique agro-climatic conditions prevalent in middle Gujarat. Anand Doli, emerged from the controlled crossbreeding program involving Doli 5 x GOB 1 utilizing the pedigree method of plant breeding at the Main Vegetable Research Station of Anand Agricultural University, Anand, spanning the years 2017 to 2021. Anand Doli showcased a 44.70, 38.82, 17.72, 26.28, 40.74, and 40.20% higher fruit yield compared to controls GOB 1, GBL 1, GJB 2, GJLB 4, Doli 5, and Punjab Sadabahar, respectively. Fruits of this variety have club-shaped with a large pistil scar diameter and dark pink skin upon harvest. The calyx has strong creasing, and the fruit grows in clusters. This variety presents a promising option for middle Gujarat, offering improved yields and market preference.

Keywords: Anand doli, brinjal, club shape, clustering, yield

How to Cite

Pandya, M. M., R. R. Acharya, N. A. Patel, K. B. Kathiria, A. S. Bhanvadia, D. P. Gohil, J. N. Patel, and V. I. Joshi. 2024. “Development of Clustered Fruiting and High-Yielding Variety in Brinjal (Solanum Melongena L.) through Applied Plant Breeding”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 27 (8):133-44.