Role of Potash and Other Organic as Vital Nutrient for Qualitative and Quantitative Yield of Banana (Musa pardisicsica L.) in Bihar, India

Mamta Kumari *

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sabour, Bhagalpur, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


One of the most significant fruit crops is the banana (Musa paradiscica L.). In the Bihar district of Bhagalpur, it comes in second place behind mangos as a major fruit crop. It may be grown in a variety of climates across the world, including temperate, tropical, and subtropical areas. Because bananas are highly nutritious and have therapeutic qualities, they are produced primarily for their commercial worth. Because of their superior qualities and abundant nutritional content, bananas hold a prominent position in society. In literal word we can say that potash is  highly significant for banana cultivation as shown by the result if potash is higher in dose farmer cultivate banana in qualitatively and quantitatively too. In case of T1 i.e Urea 400g+DAP 150g +700g MOP+2.5 kg  vermicompost +20 g PSB  per pseudostem at 30 DAT, 75 DAT, 135 DAT, 170 DAT,225 DAT & 270 DAT that yields 1234.5 quintal /ha followed by  T2 Urea 400g +DAP 100g+300g MOP+ 2.5kg vermicompost + 25g PSB followed same DAT yields 954.5 quintal per ha. Same result was found by found and advocated the role of potash in banana and booh was published by the name Potassium management in Banana S. Sathiamoorthy and K.J. Jeyabhaskaran published by NRC Banana Trichy, Tamilnadu.  Given its significant commercial value and vast cultivated area, an on-farm experiment was developed to determine the contribution of various nutrient fertilisers to the quality and yield of bananas. This experiment was carried out in the banana growing seasons of 2014–15, 2015–16, and 2016–17. Treatment T1 had given the best result with 1234.5 quintal per hectare with 3.30 BC ratio.

Keywords: Musa paradiscica, vital nutrient, qualitative, quantitative yield

How to Cite

Kumari, Mamta. 2024. “Role of Potash and Other Organic As Vital Nutrient for Qualitative and Quantitative Yield of Banana (Musa Pardisicsica L.) in Bihar, India”. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 27 (8):602-8.